Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Week 31

Hello, world! 

So last preparation day all of the sisters in my district met up in Twin Bridges for a sisters day. A member owns a salon and we got our hair cut and then we ate at a restaurant called the Wagon Wheel that a member in the stake presidency owns. It was fun!
We had zone conference in Helena this past week and EVERY time we travel long distances, the weather knows and gets bad. And I was the driver so we all prayed hard and survived. Haha. We learned a lot. One of the biggest changes was that we are not counting other lessons taught to people who are not interested now. So we only count lessons if they become a potential investigator or is a current investigator without a member present. So I was super scared because our numbers would tank but I guess it pushes us harder and keeps our area book filled with those who are "the elect" (prepared for the gospel). My favorite part of zone conferences are the testimonies of the departing missionaries. The spirit is SO STRONG. Usually, I hardly know the missionaries that are leaving but it doesn't matter. I dread the day when I am the one having to do that. I will bawl.
We also went on exchanges and it was Sister Shupe's first exchange. She went to Helena with one of our Sister Training Leaders and the other came here to Dillon with me. It was fun, but it was just a few days after we already drove to Helena, so needless to say- I am so sick of driving. Everything is just so spread out in Montana! Haha. We met in Butte on the 17th (St. Patrick's day) to switch and apparently the missionaries in Butte have to stay inside all day because there are lots of Irish there and the streets are blocked off and lined with booths of alcohol. Insane.
We have been showing the Easter video a lot, #Hallelujah, and it's cool to see how the Saviors atonement has a special place in lots of people's hearts. The Easter season (and maybe the increase of sunlight) really has made people more softened towards our message. Some people have teared up when we show them the video because they are given that glimmer of hope that they will see their deceased loved ones again! Through the savior, we can have new life. :)
We also went "cookie contacting" on Saturday. We just bought some cheap cookies dough, baked them up, put them in bowls with a few more treats and went to visit those we teach and want to teach. People are a lot more receptive with food! :) haha. 
We have TWO progressing investigators now. It has been a loooong time here in Dillon since people have progressed. It feels good. We committed a college student to baptism but she didn't want to set a date. So we are working in her. And we are rolling with lots of other YSAs again. 
We also had a lesson with the Ballards. Brother Ballard is cousins with Elder Ballard, the apostle. They kind of look alike too. It's awesome. 
On Sunday we went to another talent show at a members house and we sang the EFY medley with the elders ("As Sisters in Zion" and "Army of Helaman") and we made some people cry. It was awesome and the Spirit was strong. 
And we went to the Big Hole branch for church because some members from Dillon were speaking out there and we hitched a ride and they asked us to give a 5 minute testimony (I was expecting that because we haven't been there in a while). I bore mine on the atonement (I mean- it's Easter season. I have to.) and I definitely know that the spirit will fill our mouths. I just chose a topic and didn't plan a single word of what I was going to say, so I definitely had divine help. :)
Well, hope all is well in Zion!

Sister Ney 

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